
Displays and Layers: basic concepts

Michael Ocean
PyProcGame display basics The Mode architecture of PyProcGame allows every mode to provide a display ‘Layer’ to be shown on the DMD. The Layer should be thought of exactly as the Layer metaphor in Photoshop or other image editing software. The Layer family of classes in PyProcGame represent the various container classes for types of content to be displayed on the DMD, and The ordering of the Layers is dictated by the priority of the Modes, with the highest priority mode (largest number) being the top-most layer and the lowest priority mode would be the bottom-most layer (assuming all layers are opaque).

SG: Display Markup Language

Michael Ocean
SkeletonGame’s display markup language: SkeletonGame exists to make it easier for you to get your game going. The YAML based display layer markup syntax was intended to make it “easier” to describe complex layer compositions for display on the PyProcGameHD framework, without requiring the programmer to generate code to do so. It was intended just to provide a short hand for a few Layer types. I use it in the attract mode, and it obviously has uses elsewhere too.